01. 013
Posted 07.07.2017 at 12:13 AM

And that's all for this first batch of updates! Thank you so much to everyone who took their time to read and check out the site!

Updates will occur weekly on every Friday- aiming for around 12am PST but I'm in Australia so I'll tryyy. Sub to the RSS feed if you wanna catch updates, or alternatively if you use Tapas or want the mobile friendly version hosted over at Webtoons, check the links down below to follow the mirrors there that will remain an update behind the main site.

A huge thanks to Mimi for getting the word out and promoting like a fiend! She set up the website for me and helped out with a few other things to help with the comic launch. Links to her comic; The Thief's Heir, which is Rephaim's sister comic will also be included below so please check that out too. Also a big thanks to my editor Mee who helped me get this dumb story going and painfully sitting through the entire creative process with me- you the best. 

So if you're reading on launch day, I will hopefully see some of you next week! 
